速報APP / 通訊 / Local Area Messaging

Local Area Messaging





版本需求:Android 2.2 以上版本



Local Area Messaging(圖1)-速報App

Attention! Open Alpha Phase! Test Phase!

This app is now open for all. A password is not longer required!

Local Area Messaging(圖2)-速報App

Local Area Messaging, short lam, is a communication app. You can send messages anonymous with location data. The messages can be received in a special range.

There isn't a registration and no user accounts!

Local Area Messaging(圖3)-速報App

Messages are limited to 140 characters.

Currently, a name is optional.

Local Area Messaging(圖4)-速報App

You can get notifications (no polling > this means no power draining!), if someone has posted something.

Please mail me feedback!

Local Area Messaging(圖5)-速報App

Tip of the Day:

- Press a message to see the location of the message on the world map!

Local Area Messaging(圖6)-速報App

- Enable or disable push notifications in the settings.